About This File
Table of contents:
Symbolism of the finger combinations in the ritual practice
by Baal-Hiram
Magician's character
by Eric Midnight
Tarot by Sergei Tukholka
from “Isis” magazine
Major Arcana of Tarot
by Sergei Tukholka (from “Isis” magazine)
The Rosicrucians, their Teachings and Tasks
by Sergei Protasov (from “Isis” magazine)
The concept of Astrology
by Sergei Tukholka
Yakov Vilimovich Bruce and Russian astrology
by Sergei Protasov
Letter from Antoine Fabre d'Olivet
Teurgia.Org Collection
A brief biographical note about Stanislas de Guaita
by Mikhail Bastyanov