Preliminary exercises, Vision — Sar Dinoil
Ars Magia. Ars Theurgia Ars Thaumaturgia

Preliminary exercises, Vision — Sar Dinoil

Preliminary exercises, Vision


by Sar Dinoil


It is known that visual memory in most people is well developed by nature and plays an important role in memorization. We remember well what we saw clearly. The development of visual memory is explained by the law of contiguity (simultaneity of perception), which will be discussed below. For example, if I often saw two persons together, then, by chance meeting one of them, I naturally remember the other.


Visual memory and imagination can be used for memorization purposes. Many people do this unconsciously, for example, most people remember on which page of the book, right or left, the material they memorized is located.


To develop visual memory, try first of all to develop observation. Always watch carefully. Study objects and faces. Develop the ability to determine the distance to objects and their sizes. You can take your step as a measure. This is an excellent tool for learning to look closely. Arriving in an unfamiliar place, first of all, look around carefully and remember the way. In the evening, remember what you saw during the day. Take up painting. Visit museums and exhibitions.


Some exercises for vision were indicated in the 4th lecture.


For the development of visual memory, you can draw various simple shapes on pieces of paper. Taking a random piece of paper, take a quick look at the figure drawn on it and, closing your eyes, try to clearly imagine it; then move on to another piece of paper, etc.


If the figures are drawn in black on white or white on black, then you just have to quickly look at the white wall or ceiling, especially in the semi-darkness, to see the figure. It helps develop visual memory and imagination.


A more difficult exercise is a mental description of a well-known room or a mental walk along a familiar street, a mental description of a familiar object, with the transition gradually to less familiar things (with closed eyes).


With exercise, you can get to the ability to clearly imagine, for example, a whole showcase in a store with all the things in it, throwing only one quick glance at them, or to the art of playing chess with your eyes closed. However, only visual types are capable of such difficult things.


Auditory memory is well developed in most people. We usually remember well what we have learned by ear. Hence the desire of schoolchildren to repeat aloud what they are studying. Arabs and Hindus memorize the entire Koran or Vedas by ear.


If you want to develop auditory memory, then you must develop auditory attention and observation. Always listen carefully. Study voices and sounds with closed eyes and open mouth. Hear what is being said around you. With your eyes closed, try to determine by the sound of footsteps who is walking, which carriage is riding, which animal is screaming. Try to determine the distance to where the sounds are coming from and the direction of the sound. Attend opera and concerts. Take up music and singing.


Some of the exercises were indicated in the 4th lecture.


Excerpt from Sar Dinoil's "Developing of astral abilities"

Translated by Eric Midnight, October of 2020

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