Psychic culture by Sar Dinoil
Psychic culture
The plurality of personalities and the peculiarity of character change
by Sar Dinoil
The old psychology considers the human personality as something unchanging, permanent, depending solely on physical organization and constitution. The natural and sad conclusion from this opinion was the futility of all attempts to change your personality, develop and improve your abilities.
The latest research, on the contrary, proves that our personality is very changeable and unstable, from which follows the full possibility of changing it for the better and developing our abilities.
First of all, it is obvious that our personality is not the same at different ages of life.
Further, in everyday life we constantly have to deal with facts that indicate the plurality of our personalities.
Such facts include the so often observed internal discord, the struggle between reason and feeling, or between duty and temptation. Many people in family and private life find a completely different personality than in public or office. Most of us are never consistent in our actions and sometimes we do things that neither we ourselves nor others thought we were capable of.
Any change in our mood, for example, from joyful to sad or vice versa, in essence already changes our personality.
But the most striking proof of the multifaceted nature of our “Self” is the facts of a painful split, or even fragmentation into many parts, of our personality. For a long time, there have been cases when, under the influence of a sudden shock, fright, grief, etc., a person who experienced them suddenly had a completely new personality. In his new state, a person had different tastes, a different character, called himself by a different name and usually forgot everything related to his normal state, for example, he could no longer read and write, so he had to learn it again. Sometimes it happened that the old personality returned, and then the subject did not remember anything related to the new personality. Sometimes both personalities alternated with one another at regular intervals, and each of the personalities did not remember and did not know anything related to the other. Sometimes these two personalities partly existed at the same time.
But especially interesting are the newly discovered facts of the multiplication of personality, that is, the alternating appearance of 3, 4 or more personalities. In one of his states, a person is, for example, lethargic, uneducated, stupid, in another - energetic, lively and intelligent, in the third - he is playful, loves entertainment, and in the fourth - he is religious and does charity work.
It is remarkable that all these individuals not only do not agree with each other, but, on the contrary, sometimes hate each other and each violently destroys what the other has done. It is easy to understand what confusion all this introduces into the patient's condition.
In general, according to the association of ideas, of which the one that for some reason prevails, groups similar ideas to it around itself, creating a special personality out of them. The reason for such ideas may be the state of the body, especially morbid. With weakness and depression, it naturally comes to the fore not the person that comes out with joy and excitement, etc.
Translated by Eric Midnight, 2021
The text was prepared by the Teurgia.Org team, 2021