Teurgia.Org - Results from #12
Ars Magia. Ars Theurgia Ars Thaumaturgia



Update of Teurgia website: 28 of February 2021

Update of Teurgia website: 28 of February 2021

We introduce the Teurgia.Org website update in English. As an illustration of the update, an image is shown based on a photograph of Robert Ambelain. ...

02.03.2021 21:47 More details
The celestial vault of Alessandro Farnese by Margherita Fiorello

The celestial vault of Alessandro Farnese by Margherita Fiorello

The celestial vault of Alessandro Farnese    by Margherita Fiorello   Haec, Auguste, tamen, quae vertice sidera pulsat, par domus...

02.03.2021 12:55 More details
Nature and fate — Dr. Papus

Nature and fate — Dr. Papus

Nature and fate   Dr. Papus    Excerpt from the Lecture "Man and the Universe"    Everyone has an egoistic tendency to ...

01.03.2021 23:27 More details
Update of Teurgia website: 31 of December 2020

Update of Teurgia website: 31 of December 2020

We introduce the Teurgia.Org website update in English. This painting uses the magic symbols from Plate 99 (titled I. “The Seal of St. Michael”) of t...

12.01.2021 15:35 More details
Update of Teurgia website: 30 of November 2020

Update of Teurgia website: 30 of November 2020

We introduce the Teurgia.Org website update in Russian. The update illustrates an image of a magician conjuring air spirits - sylphs. The author of th...

02.12.2020 13:26 More details
The first day of the year — Margherita Fiorello

The first day of the year — Margherita Fiorello

The first day of the year     by Margherita Fiorello   The legend says that Numa Pompilius, the successor of Romulus, in his r...

02.12.2020 03:24 More details
12 Houses in astrology: their meaning by Papus

12 Houses in astrology: their meaning by Papus

12 Houses in astrology: their meaning    by Papus    From the book "The Tarot of the Bohemians"    In the 1st hous...

02.12.2020 02:10 More details
Update of Teurgia website: 31 of October 2020

Update of Teurgia website: 31 of October 2020

We introduce the Teurgia.Org website update in English. The update illustrates the "Guardian of the Threshold" image. The author of the illustration ...

02.11.2020 00:28 More details
The plurality of personalities — Sar Dinoil

The plurality of personalities — Sar Dinoil

The plurality of personalities and the peculiarity of character change   Excerpt from Sar Dinoil's "Developing of astral abilities"   Th...

01.11.2020 20:35 More details
Physiognomy and planets — Margherita Fiorello

Physiognomy and planets — Margherita Fiorello

Physiognomy and planets     by Margherita Fiorello   The shape of the body in all living beings depends on the temperament. Wi...

01.11.2020 20:17 More details
Update of Teurgia.Org website: 30 of September 2020

Update of Teurgia.Org website: 30 of September 2020

We introduce the Teurgia.Org website update in English. The update illustrates an image with a scene from the famous Icelandic legend of Galdra–Loftur...

01.10.2020 01:26 More details
Occult correspondence theory — Sergei Tukholka

Occult correspondence theory — Sergei Tukholka

Occult correspondence theory by Sergei Tukholka   In the preparation of talismans and in all magical actions, the so-called theory of occult c...

30.09.2020 23:40 More details
The four elements and occult correspondences  — Baal-Hiram and Eric Midnight

The four elements and occult correspondences — Baal-Hiram and Eric Midnight

The four elements and occult correspondences   Lecture by Baal-Hiram and Eric Midnight (Teurgia.Org’s administrators)   Welcome to the T...

30.09.2020 22:13 More details
Update of Teurgia website: 31 of August 2020

Update of Teurgia website: 31 of August 2020

We introduce the Teurgia.Org website update in English. The update illustrates an image with an exorcism scene. The author of the picture is Visionis ...

01.09.2020 11:40 More details
Astronomy, astrology and astral divination in the Ancient East and Persia — Prof. Antonio Panaino

Astronomy, astrology and astral divination in the Ancient East and Persia — Prof. Antonio Panaino

Astronomy, astrology and astral divination in the Ancient East and Persia a lecture by Prof. Antonio Panaino   The following is an abstra...

01.09.2020 09:55 More details
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Update of Teurgia website: 10 of January 2020

ubegayuschaya atalanta We present the January update in English of the Teurgia.Org portal. The update illustrates a digital remake of emblem #42 from the alchemical treatise "Atalanta Fugiens" by Michael Maier (1617). The emblem is signed with the following words: "Nature, Reason, Experience and Reading must be the Guide, Staff, Spectacles and Lamp to him that is employed in Chemical Affairs." We have placed the color version of the picture in our gallery.


The articles in this update focus on the history of occultism and biographies of famous occultists, occult philosophy, astrology.


You can participate in the development of the project by supporting us on Patreon.


Occult travels: Père Lachaise Cemetery
Teurgia.Org presents the first issue of the Occult Travels project, dedicated to the Paris Père Lachaise Cemetery. Famous occultists of the 19th-20th centuries are buried in the cemetery. We will visit the graves of Dr. Papus (famous magician and martinist), Jean-Antoine Chaptal (martinist), Allan Kardec (founder of French spiritism), Honoré de Balzac (martinist and writer), Gérard de Nerval (author of mystical works) and Mlle Lenormand (pythoness).


The purpose of the project: to make visiting places related to the history of Western occultism convenient and easy for travelers. Using our landmarks, you can easily find the places shown in the video yourself. Or "visit" a significant place, at least thanks to the first-person video we shot.


Yakov Vilimovich Bruce and Russian astrology — Isis magazine
Biographical note on the life of Jacob Bruce from the magazine "Isis". The material also talks about the interest of Peter the Great in astrology, about the library and typographic activities of Jacob Bruce, as well as about the unique "Bruce calendar."


The concept of Astrology — Isis magazine
An article by Sergei Tukholka from the "Isis" magazine about initial information on astrology. He also gives a list of phenomena designated by the twelve houses.


Cardano on fixed stars in De iudiciis geniturarum (1547) — Margherita Fiorello
Translation of a passage from "De iudiciis geniturarum" (1547) by Girolamo Cardano about fixed stars from the blog of traditional western astrologer Margherita Fiorello named "Heaven Astrolabe".


Occult philosophy
Mystical discussion about Determination and Altruism — Eric Midnight
A short essay on the mystical meaning of altruism, divine work and magic.

Update of Teurgia website: 7 of December 2019

djon di i edvard kelli nekromantiyaWe present the December update in English of the Teurgia.Org portal. This update illustrates a digital remake of the famous image: Edward Kelly with John Dee in the Act of invoking the Spirit of a deceased Person. Copperplate engraving circa 1790. Original drawing by Ebenezer Sibly , engraved by John Ames of Bristol (according to Fincham, "Artists and engravers of British and American book plates", 1897)


The articles in this update focus on the history of Martinism, occult philosophy, Chain of Beings, astrology.


You can participate in the development of the project by supporting us on Patreon.


Occult philosophy

Occult properties of things — Eric Midnight
An essay on the hidden properties of things that can be manifested through proper sanctifications. The essay is based on the concept of the Great Chain of Beings.


Mystical discussion about the Truth — Eric Midnight

A mystical argument about what truth is and are there really "evil people" exist, or are they all naturally good? Reasoning includes an excerpt from the novel by Mikhail Bulgakov, "The Master and Margarita."


The hanging soul: bipolar disorder and traditional astrology — Margherita Fiorello
The author analyzes the problem of bipolar disorder from the point of view of traditional astrology, resorting to the works of Maimonides and Ptolemy. The author also examines, for example, the natal chart of Robert John Downey Jr.


Astrology: the science of the soul — Eric Midnight
An essay on how the Planets and Zodiac Signs affect the soul of a person and about what benefits can be derived from astrology for a person who wants to build his/her own character.


History of Martinism

Postcard from Martinist René Philipon
Antique postal card from the occultist René Philipon with congratulations. The inscriptions on the back of the football player card have been translated into English. René Philipon was a Martinist, philanthropist and collector.



Update of Teurgia website: 15 of November 2019

vneshnij oblik duhov marsaWe introduce our second English update. The update illustrates a picture in which the magical images of the Spirits of Mars are depicted according to the book “The Elementary Treatise on Practical Magic” (“Traité élémentaire de magie pratique”) by Dr. Papus. A description of the appearance of the Spirits of Mars according to Papus's “Practical Magic” can be found in this article.


The articles in this update focus on the history of Martinism, occult philosophy, Astral agent, astrology, and magical defense.


Now on the main page of the English-language part of the site displays a list of the latest articles.


You can participate in the development of the project by supporting us on Patreon.


History of Martinism
Letter from Henri Delaage, initiator of Dr Papus in Martinism: rare document
A rare document from the TeurgiaOrg collection: a letter written by Henri Delaage, initiator of Dr. Papus (Gerard Encausse) in Martinism. The letter was written in French, we provide not only a scan of the letter, but also a typed text of the original, as well as a translation of the letter into English. We are grateful to Steeve Fayadas for helping us to obtain this document.


Occult philosophy
Symbolism of the finger combinations in the ritual practice — Baal-Hiram
The creator of the portal Teurgia.Org in this article considers various options for using fingers to perform rituals from the magic system of the Order of the Golden Dawn, such as the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram, the Greater Ritual of the Pentagram, the Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram and the Greater Ritual of the Hexagram, as well as in the commission of Signs of the Order of the Golden Dawn.


Magician's character — Eric Midnight
This short article is an instructional discussion about what traits a true magician should have. He must be "master of himself." In achieving this state, work with planetary and zodiac influences helps.


Interaction with Astral Agent and Magical Defense — Baal-Hiram
This article is devoted to important issues of magical protection: how to protect yourself from astral attacks by sorcerers, black magicians, fallen spirits and so on. What rituals are suitable for this purpose, as well as what magic tools are used to expel hostile astral beings.


The harmony of the spheres — Margherita Fiorello
The ancients believed that the planets move according to the relationships established between them, like notes: the pure, soundless music produced by the planets was called the "music of the spheres."


Update of Teurgia website: 7 of October 2019

duhi saturna po papiusuWe introduce our second English update. The update illustrates a picture in which the magical images of the Spirits of Saturn are depicted according to the book “The Elementary Treatise on Practical Magic” (“Traité élémentaire de magie pratique”) by Dr. Papus. A description of the appearance of the Spirits of Saturn according to Papus's “Practical Magic” can be found in this article.

The articles in this update focus on the history of Martinism, occult philosophy, mysticism, magic, astrology, and the difference between black magic and witchcraft.


In this update, for the first time, we are publishing one of the materials from the Teurgia.Org collection of rarities: this is a scan of a letter with medical prescriptions for the treatment of a patient, written by Dr. Papus (Gerard Encausse). The original letter is in French, we decrypted and translated it into English.


We express our gratitude to Margherita Fiorello, a magnificent traditional Western astrologer, for her permission to publish her articles on our portal. In this update, we publish her material on fixed stars and temperament.

You can participate in the development of the project by supporting us on Patreon.


History of Martinism
A medical prescription written by Dr Papus: rare document
This is the first scanned material from the collection of rare documents of Teurgia.Org. This is an original prescription written by Dr. Papus for treating one of his patients. The recipe states the need for the use of homeopathic methods, as well as the presence of an occult effect on the patient. The original document is in French. We translated it into English.


Occult philosophy
Three Paths in Western Occult Tradition — Baal-Hiram
This is an article about Tree Paths in Western Occult Tradition: the Path of the Theurg (operational path), the Path of the Mystic (inner path), and the Path of the Knight (outer path of virtue and charity). The author also cites excerpts from the Encyclopedia of Occultism by the Russian Martinist Gregory Mebes.


Black Magic and Sorcery — Baal-Hiram
This article is about the difference between black magic and witchcraft. The article discusses the definitions of black magic and witchcraft, superstition, and other related concepts.


Mysticism, Magic, Theurgy and Magism — Baal-Hiram
This article is about difference between magic and Theurgy. The author also talks about Mysticism and Magism, Ceremonial Magic, Spiritual Alchemy and other related notions, giving their definitions.


Fixed stars and temperament — Margherita Fiorello
Material written by Margherita Fiorello, a traditional Western astrologer, on the effect of fixed stars on a person’s character. The author provides an English translation of the text by Andrea Argoli from "Ptolomeus Parvus". The material first appeared on Margherita Fiorello's blog, “Heaven astrolabe”.

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