Update of Teurgia website: 28 of February 2021
We introduce the Teurgia.Org website update in English. As an illustration of the update, an image is shown based on a photograph of Robert Ambelain. ...
02.03.2021 21:47 More details
The celestial vault of Alessandro Farnese by Margherita Fiorello
The celestial vault of Alessandro Farnese by Margherita Fiorello Haec, Auguste, tamen, quae vertice sidera pulsat, par domus...
02.03.2021 12:55 More details
Nature and fate — Dr. Papus
Nature and fate Dr. Papus Excerpt from the Lecture "Man and the Universe" Everyone has an egoistic tendency to ...
01.03.2021 23:27 More details
Update of Teurgia website: 31 of December 2020
We introduce the Teurgia.Org website update in English. This painting uses the magic symbols from Plate 99 (titled I. “The Seal of St. Michael”) of t...
12.01.2021 15:35 More details
Update of Teurgia website: 30 of November 2020
We introduce the Teurgia.Org website update in Russian. The update illustrates an image of a magician conjuring air spirits - sylphs. The author of th...
02.12.2020 13:26 More details
The first day of the year — Margherita Fiorello
The first day of the year by Margherita Fiorello The legend says that Numa Pompilius, the successor of Romulus, in his r...
02.12.2020 03:24 More details
12 Houses in astrology: their meaning by Papus
12 Houses in astrology: their meaning by Papus From the book "The Tarot of the Bohemians" In the 1st hous...
02.12.2020 02:10 More details
Update of Teurgia website: 31 of October 2020
We introduce the Teurgia.Org website update in English. The update illustrates the "Guardian of the Threshold" image. The author of the illustration ...
02.11.2020 00:28 More details
The plurality of personalities — Sar Dinoil
The plurality of personalities and the peculiarity of character change Excerpt from Sar Dinoil's "Developing of astral abilities" Th...
01.11.2020 20:35 More details
Physiognomy and planets — Margherita Fiorello
Physiognomy and planets by Margherita Fiorello The shape of the body in all living beings depends on the temperament. Wi...
01.11.2020 20:17 More details
Update of Teurgia.Org website: 30 of September 2020
We introduce the Teurgia.Org website update in English. The update illustrates an image with a scene from the famous Icelandic legend of Galdra–Loftur...
01.10.2020 01:26 More details
Occult correspondence theory — Sergei Tukholka
Occult correspondence theory by Sergei Tukholka In the preparation of talismans and in all magical actions, the so-called theory of occult c...
30.09.2020 23:40 More details
The four elements and occult correspondences — Baal-Hiram and Eric Midnight
The four elements and occult correspondences Lecture by Baal-Hiram and Eric Midnight (Teurgia.Org’s administrators) Welcome to the T...
30.09.2020 22:13 More details
Update of Teurgia website: 31 of August 2020
We introduce the Teurgia.Org website update in English. The update illustrates an image with an exorcism scene. The author of the picture is Visionis ...
01.09.2020 11:40 More details
Astronomy, astrology and astral divination in the Ancient East and Persia — Prof. Antonio Panaino
Astronomy, astrology and astral divination in the Ancient East and Persia a lecture by Prof. Antonio Panaino The following is an abstra...
01.09.2020 09:55 More detailsUpdate of Teurgia.Org website: 30 of September 2020
We introduce the Teurgia.Org website update in English. The update illustrates an image with a scene from the famous Icelandic legend of Galdra–Loftur, in which he summoned Gottskálk grimmi Nikulasson to try to take possession of his "Red Skin" grimoire, allowing demonic hierarchies to be subdued. The author of the picture is Visionis Phosphorescent. The picture in color is available in our gallery:
The articles in this update focus on the topics of mentalism and personal magnetism, occult philosophy and astrology.
We remind that on the portal Teurgia.Org operates an online store.
At the moment, our online store contains six video lectures in English, natural beeswax candles, natural incense and other products. Gradually, the assortment of the store will expand. Stay tuned for updates in the store. Ten percent of the store’s profits will go to help private shelters for homeless animals.
Support the translation of new materials, the release of new videos on our Youtube channel, the acquisition, digitization and translation of rare documents and books. Use the “Support” button on our website.
You also support our activities by purchasing goods in our online store.
Occult philosophy
The four elements and occult correspondences — Baal-Hiram and Eric Midnight
An excerpt from a lecture on the properties of the four elements, their correspondences to the cardinal points and letters of Tetragrammaton, as well as the symbolism of the pentagram.
Occult correspondence theory — Sergei Tukholka
An excerpt from the book by Sergei Tukholka "Occultism and Magic", which talks about signature theory and planetary correspondences.
Mentalism and magnetism
Reading and transmitting thoughts — Sar Dinoil
Exercises for reading and transmitting thoughts from the book by Sar Dinoil "The Development of Astral Abilities".
"Complete passive state" exercise — Sar Dinoil
Exercise from the book by Sar Dinoil "Development of Astral Abilities", useful for the practice of telepathy, autosuggestion, astral projection and other practices of psychurgy.
Marsilio Ficino and the Star of the Magi: “De Stella magorum”
Translation by traditional astrologer Margherita Fiorello for her blog "Heaven Astrolabe".
Update of Teurgia website: 31 of August 2020
We introduce the Teurgia.Org website update in English. The update illustrates an image with an exorcism scene. The author of the picture is Visionis Phosphorescent. The picture in color is available in our gallery.
The articles in this update focus on the topics of mentalism and personal magnetism, hypnosis, astrology and development of astral abilities.
We remind that on the portal Teurgia.Org operates an online store.
At the moment, the book “Algerian manuscript of Martinez de Pasqually” in Russian, four Planetary Talismans an several types of high-quality natural incense are placed in the store as goods. Gradually, the assortment of the store will expand. Also now you can purchase video lectures in English on the occult sciences.
Support the translation of new materials, the release of new videos on our Youtube channel, the acquisition, digitization and translation of rare documents and books. Use the “Support” button on our website.
You also support our activities by purchasing goods in our online store.
Mentalism and magnetism
Personal magnetism — N. B. Butautas
An essay on the meaning of accumulating and using the power of personal magnetism.
Psychurgy, hypnosis, astral
The meaning of breathing — Sar Dinoil
Excerpt from Sar Dinoil's "Developing of astral abilities" about the importance of breathing for the development of psychical qualities.
Sleep hypnotic treatment — “Mentalism” magazine
Methods and tips for using hypnotic suggestions in sleep to help others.
Sar Dinoil's lectures on the development of astral abilities have been translated into English for the first time. This is the first lecture in the series. Sar Dinoil was a Martinist of the Russian Empire of the early 20th century, a member of the French Magnetic Society, Paris Oriental Esoteric Center and other occult circles of that time.
Astronomy, astrology and astral divination in the Ancient East and Persia — Prof. Antonio Panaino
Interesting article on astrology from the blog of traditional Western astrologer Margarita Fiorello.
Update of Teurgia website: 16 of July 2020
We introduce the Teurgia.Org website update in English. The update illustrates an image dedicated to the concept of the Seven Ancient Planets and Planetary Magic. The author of the illustration is Ekaterina Miroshnichenko. The color image is available in our gallery.
The articles in this update focus on the topics of mentalism and personal magnetism, occult philosophy, astrology and the interpretation of dreams.
We remind that on the portal Teurgia.Org operates an online store.
At the moment, the book “Algerian manuscript of Martinez de Pasqually” in Russian, four Planetary Talismans an several types of high-quality natural incense are placed in the store as goods. Gradually, the assortment of the store will expand. Stay tuned for updates in the store. Ten percent of the store’s profits will go to help private shelters for homeless animals.
Support the translation of new materials, the release of new videos on our Youtube channel, the acquisition, digitization and translation of rare documents and books. Use the “Support” button on our website.
You also support our activities by purchasing goods in our online store.
Occult philosophy
Lecture on the word and gesture — Dialty
Practical notes on the meaning and technique of casting a spell and using gestures.
Astral, lucid dreaming
Dream Interpretation Science — Eric Midnight
Several principles for interpreting prophetic dreams.
Mentalism and magnetism
Hypnosis and Therapeutic Suggestions — “Mentalism” magazine
Introductory article from a series of lectures on the practice of mentalism and personal magnetism.
About the temperament of the Moon — Margherita Fiorello
The author tells about the quality of the Moon according Ptolemy. In Quadripartite, I, 8
Update of Teurgia website: 27 of June 2020
We introduce the Teurgia.Org website update in English. The update illustrates a remake of the famous illustration, in which Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers and Moina Mathers evoke the spirit. The author of the picture is Ekaterina Miroshnichenko. The picture in color is available in our gallery.
The articles in this update focus on the topics of clairvoyance, psychometry, astrology and occult philosophy.
We remind that on the portal Teurgia.Org operates an online store.
At the moment, the book “Algerian manuscript of Martinez de Pasqually” in Russian, four Planetary Talismans an several types of high-quality natural incense are placed in the store as goods. Gradually, the assortment of the store will expand. Stay tuned for updates in the store. Ten percent of the store’s profits will go to help private shelters for homeless animals.
Support the translation of new materials, the release of new videos on our Youtube channel, the acquisition, digitization and translation of rare documents and books. Use the “Support” button on our website.
You also support our activities by purchasing goods in our online store.
Occult philosophy
Magical chain — Papus
An essay by Dr. Papus (Gerard Encausse) on the importance, principles and purposes of establishing a magical chain for an occultist.
How to start studying occultism? — Eric Midnight
An essay on the principles of the approach to the beginning of the study of the occult sciences.
Astral, lucid dreaming
Clairvoyance — A. Likhanov
Clairvoyance exercises, as well as tips for achieving results in it.
Psychometry — A. Likhanov
Practical exercises and tips on the technique of psychometry: a technique for recognizing the past, which relates to objects.
Astrological aphorisms from Burton’s Anatomy of Melancholy — Margherita Fiorello
Another interesting and useful material on astrology from Margherita Fiorello (CIDA certified member).